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Starcraft If you find one that you think would be good here, e-mail me and I'll look it over. Remember, I didn't spend much time on this so far. More to come. Star Trek If you find one that you think would be good here, e-mail me and I'll look it over. Remember, I didn't spend much time on this so far. More to come. Star Wars LucasArts - The Company Site of the people behind Star Wars. Good ol' George. Jedi Outcast LucasArts: Jedi Outcast - The official LucasArts page for Jedi Outcast Jedi-Outcast.com - Very cool site, love the forums. They get Jedi Outcast news FAST. Jediknightii.net - Nice layout. News is slightly slower than Jedi-Outcast.com, but still good. Jedicenter.com - I love the 'center.com' pages, especially the Max Payne one. Check it out. The Jedi Outcast - Old News. I wouldn't bother...maybe the page designer is sick...? Clans Rebel Ground Forces - Largest JO clan out there. 122 Members, I believe. Suicidal Lifestyle Clan (Jedi Knight Division) - A cool, friendly clan. The Science of Star Wars Lightsabres - Love the site. Great division of subjects. Maybe a bit more on creating them? If you find one that you think would be good here, e-mail me and I'll look it over. Remember, I didn't spend much time on this so far. More to come. Wing Commander If you find one that you think would be good here, e-mail me and I'll look it over. Remember, I didn't spend much time on this so far. More to come. Misc If you find one that you think would be good here, e-mail me and I'll look it over. Remember, I didn't spend much time on this so far. More to come. |
The admin is available at coolcatclan@hotmail.com and usually responds to relevant mail. This is a fan site for many games, and will likely have media, such as images and music, from those games. These games include LucasArts' Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, and Mysteries of the Sith. As well as Raven's Star Trek Elite Force and Jedi Outcast (also LucasArts). As well as Max Payne which was done by Remedy, Godgames, and 3D Realms. Squaresoft's Final Fantasy 6 and 8. Nintendo's Mario RPG (also Squaresoft) and Legend of Zelda 3 A Link to the Past. Microprose's X-Com: UFO Defence as well. The media from these games has been taken without their consent, and therefore, if the holders of these rights wish me to remove media of theirs, I will. However, until then, I'll be using their media because these games are all amazing, and, in fact you should try them out. |